Tuesday, January 1, 2008


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Lombok Islands

There are number of spot in Lombok but South Lombok is the more famous.Grupuk bay in Kuta,offer soft ride but super surfer pro head for Bangko Bangko,otherwise know as Desert point.when the waves are happening this is considered one of the world's best left.
Accomodation in Kuta is simple but for those seeking air conditionning and luxury there is some big Hotel around.

Mount Rinjani
One of Indonesia highet peaks,great for trekkers,local tour companies can escort you with a different range of style.

Village life in Lombok
The traditional people of Lombok are the Sasaks and for those who wanth a taste of local culture you can find the traditional Sasak house which feature grass roofs.

Visit the capital of Lombok and eat in the Chinese and Indonesia cafes is a good way to pas the time where you ca shooping pearls and batik sarongs.

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